Your insurance company is legally obligated to treat you fairly and honestly and to not put its interest ahead of your interests. Our firm has experience holding insurance companies accountable and ensuring that policyholders receive the full measure of their benefits. We aggressively pursue claims against insurers who act in bad faith, delay, or wrongfully deny coverage. Let us help you get the fair treatment and compensation you deserve.
Notable Cases
Keodalah v. Allstate
The adjuster in Mr. Keodalah’s case was untruthful and unfair in her dealings with him. Keodalah was forced to sue his insurance company to gain access to his policy and then he sued for the bad faith of the insurance adjuster. Our state Supreme Court held that the insured can sue an insurance adjuster for bad faith.
Lock v. American Family
Ms. Lock was involved in a collision with an uninsured motorist. American Family Insurance refused to communicate, refused to investigate and denied her the benefits under her contract. Ms. Lock was forced to sue claiming American Family failed to act in good faith. The jury agreed, awarding her a substantial sum.